Tuesday, November 4, 2008

two eyes

Isn't it odd... that we have two eyes yet we only see one thing in this world?

And though our perceptions are succinct, our emotions can be divided. Criss-crossing over uncertainty and despair. All the unnamed borders of our internal topography.

Behind closed eyes, replay images that our minds cannot unsee. The vertical static striped song. In between ballads momentarily disrupted. And yet for clarity to return threefold and conjure the singularity of everything we have seen.

The conclusion of perception. Closing candles into our light, threading beams into our selves.


ko said...

wow, put so delicately. something i'd like to state but would be much more content just hearing from you.

i would pick your brain if i knew how.

do you realize that happiness makes you cry? -flaming lips

keekee said...


interesting, because when i write, often i hear somebody else's voice speaking through me. and i merely write what they say.

ko said...

so you hear the voices too, huh?